Thursday, June 7, 2007

Journeys and Cliffs

I came across this comic this morning, and it seems an appropriate sentiment as I launch my business.

The funny part of of this is every new experience feels like jumping off a cliff, but almost always the cliff turns out to be a 6-inch crack in the sidewalk or something else ridiculously small. When we look back, we wonder why it seemed so scary at the time.

That makes me think that really the only scary part is not knowing what's ahead. We can't ever change that, so I think all we can do is choose not to need to know what's ahead.

Maybe it's self-delusion, maybe it's a strong grasp on reality, I don't know. But I do know that my perspective about having to know what's ahead has changed over the past year or so.

So think about this: only real, stone and dirt cliffs are actually that high. The ones in our minds are usually more like speed bumps.

Thanks to Dorothy and Anonymous for posting yesterday. Dorothy brought up a good question that I'd like to address tomorrow, so if you have any pointers, please comment and I'll broach the subject of silver linings tomorrow.

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