Thursday, June 21, 2007


Some strange things in the news today.

How about the LA gay rodeo? Some of the events were Goat Dressing (putting underwear on a goat), Dancing, and of course the usual Bull Riding. A dude named Doug who also has a drag persona named Winnie Bago competed in drag in the Wild Drag Race, then broke his pelvis while riding (as himself) a steer.

A two-headed rat snake named We died over the weekend. It attracted large crowds to see it at the World Aquarium in St. Louis, Missouri, during its 8 years of life. We had both male and female parts, and here's what I think is funny about the story: the Aquarium tried (unsuccessfully) to breed We with another two-headed snake last year and had plans to try again this summer. Can you imagine? What were they hoping for? A four-headed snake? What would they name that? We Two?

Did you hear about the New Zealand couple who wants to name their child 4real? For real. The couple decided on this illustrious name after seeing the sonogram and realizing the reality of their situation. The NZ government has opened negotiations with the couple after initially blocking their request.

Ok. If that didn't get you smiling, then a smile today is out of the question. If you want more of the strange, go to Yahoo Underground. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Laughter is a good thing...thanks for my daily chuckle!


Candy Rice said...

Hi Spunky.

Thanks for commenting...I appreciate it.
