Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Good Choices

One thing I've really learned in 2007 is the value of opening myself up to others for advice and perspective. I've known for years that that is the only way to identify the blind spots we have and begin to reduce their size, but had never arrived at a personal place where that was not too scary to do.

But here's the thing: Because I've done it, great things too numerous to count have taken place, and more are coming. I finally woke up! People really do want to help out when we demonstrate a sincere eagerness to learn. And when that eagerness is combined with willingness to listen, wonderful friendships are born and we gain the ability to recognize opportunities and also to act on them.

Thanks to those of you who have been patient with me all these years. Please continue to be candid with me and help me shrink that huge blind spot.

We know that life offers each of us the opportunity to make lots of choices. Sometimes we're overwhelmed by the sheer number available to us, and other times we long for more than one (often difficult) choice.

I believe that everything in life is a choice. We have choices to love or not to love, to work or not to work, to have a good attitude or bad, to eat out or cook at home, to live in cities or on farms, to behave with integrity or not, to live with conviction or not, and to believe or not believe.

Every day we make choices in several of these areas (and more), whether we're conscious of them or not. I want to make good choices more frequently. How about you?

1 comment:

dorothy among the munchkins said...

So you have seen Pirates 3. :)