Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Human beings are kind of quirky, aren't we? We often live as though things will always stay the way they are right now, today.

I've been trying to identify my passion as it relates to a profession for most of my life, and throughout all those years of struggle, obsession, and frustration of not knowing I thought that I would never know it and it would never be any more clear than it was at that moment.

Oddly enough, it has become clear. I now know what my professional passion is. As it turns out, the not knowing, though lasting a period of many years, was only temporary.

My husband, on the other hand, has known for most of his life what his professional passion is. Now, as a result of the events throughout the past year, he feels passion-less and, for him, that's like being a ship in a storm without a rudder. I believe, based on my own experience, that his period of being unable to identify a passion will not stay as it is right now, today, but is only temporary.

I think we take for granted how important it is to just accept the present reality, and really live in it. Really feel the frustration, really thrive on the joy in it, really experience it all (good, bad, and ugly) to the fullest.

The reality is things don't stay the same. Careers die, loved ones pass on, relationships change, good times come to an end, rough times come to an end, and passions blossom and fade, but the constant is that it's all only temporary.

So for me, today, that's a kick in the pants to really live. Really feel the pain in painful situations and not try to dodge them before we've learned what they teach. Really embrace the passions. Really thrive on the sunshine. Really love my husband and family.

The rough time you're going through is only temporary. The good time you're going through is temporary, too, so either way, make the most of your time.

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