Friday, April 20, 2007


Several of my posts this week have been about our dog, and today will be no exception.

He's at the vet getting a root canal for a broken tooth. Crazy, right? Well, listen to this.

This morning I read an article in the Reader's Digest about a new diet drug for overweight dogs. Can you imagine? Giving your pet a diet pill? That's crazy.

It also mentioned restaurants and bars around the country where a weekly "Yappy Hour" is featured, or "Ham Barker Helper" is on the menu for your canine companion. Crazy.

Also, several pro baseball teams have a special "Canine Day" each season for pet owners to bring their dogs to a baseball game. What would a dog possibly get out of watching a baseball game? That's crazy.

I think it's funny how we draw the line at certain activities, but engage in others. For example, I'd never take my dog to a restaurant/bar or baseball game, but I'd take him on a road trip around North America. I'd never give my dog a diet pill (though he did weigh in at 95 pounds today), but I'll pay for a root canal to save a canine tooth. So who's crazy, really?

Have a great weekend. :)

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