Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Poem by Joy

Here's our first original contribution, from Joy in Minnesota.
First Winter Up-North

prairie-bred baker
left blizzard alley's
blender-whipped winds

found forest refuge
silent, magical
designed to delight

icing-covered twigs
frame my kitchen window
in fancy I see

powdered sugar pines
almond bark oaks
marshmallow shrubs

no winds swirling
straight from Montana
howling and cold

no eight-foot drifts
to tunnel through
instead I see

fence posts wearing
coconut-snow hats
applauding as

snowflake ballerinas
with diamond tiaras
dance clothesline ballet

What images does this poem conjure in your mind? Makes me a tiny bit sentimental for winter as we say hello to spring. Ok, only a really tiny bit, but about you?

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