Well, maybe it wouldn't be nice. I guess it depends on your viewpoint. I tend to think that it would be useful, especially for those times when several opportunities present themselvs and I'm not sure which one(s) to take advantage of. Sometimes I think this is how we think God should dispense advice to us, too. That, however, is a post for another day.
At any rate, this little comic made me chuckle, and hopefully it will put a smile on your face for at least a moment, too.
Enjoy your day.
Aha! It's not truth boxes we need scattered all over the world...it's Candor Cages!!! Push a button (it could even say Easy on it just for old time's sake) and out pops the bit of candor we most need at the moment. I think you've just found your (what is it...fourth or fifth? we're all so jealous!) calling!!! Of course it would have an awesome and inspiring Candy Rice Photography image printed along with the comment...
Definitely like the new look of the page...much more "you"! I really liked the lighthouse before, too, though. :)
Sorry not many comments yet...crazy busy week coupled by massive headache, train psycho, and double header this weekend. My latest candid compliment was as follows: Excuse me but seven turnovers in one game is just too many. Right on!
(Upon further cogitation, I believe the proper word would be "tripled" not "coupled" as coupled implies two, and I listed three! Oh goodness me...I blame it on the spiders.)
That's a great idea...candor cages. Too funny, especially with an easy button. :)
No worries about commenting...I figure it'll take some time. Plus, it's not exactly easy...have to think and make time to respond, which can be difficult b/c we're all so busy.
Hope the headache has subsided. What's up with the train psycho and how did your doubleheader go this weekend? Thanks for sharing the candid comment LJ.
I love your humorous way of writing...to borrow your phrase, "we're all so jealous."
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