In the spirit of "hump day" I thought this comic on my Yahoo! page was extra-appropriate. Hope it makes you smile.
Yesterday in my reading of The Purpose-Driven Life a lesson I seem to learn and re-learn throughout my life was brought to the forefront of my consciousness yet again.
This was it: if we want to grow we can't hang onto old ways of doing things. We have to let go of what may be familiar, friendly, comfortable, safe, or solid in order to experience new growth. That's why growing can be so scary to us, but if we can trust enough, or love enough, or be willing enough to take the risk, the new growth is well worth it.
For me that means letting go of the mindset that a traditional 9-5 job with a boss other than myself is the only smart way to make a living (or make a life). There are plenty of people making a great life (and a superb living) as photographers working for themselves. Why not me too?
So here are some candid truths I have to face: 1. my photography business plan is nearly finished (and has been for more than a week now), but I'm letting some belief systems hold me back from completing it and seeking the funding needed to start; 2. my weight is out of control and I know what to do to combat it, but I'm holding onto some mindset that is keeping me fat; and 3. personal growth in my life is not only desirable but necessary, but I have some limiting beliefs that I need to let go of.
How about you? What are you holding onto from the "old ways" that's keeping you from experiencing new (scary, exciting, wonderful) growth?
Happy Hump Day!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
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What is it about old belief systems that make it so hard to let go? I mean, they once were new belief systems, right? So why, as we get older, does it get more and more difficult to implement new ways and think new thoughts?
I've been pondering this lately, and have come to the conclusion that I like being comfortable. Taking risks is for younger folks...they say...which leads me to ask myself--so, when did I suddenly become 'old'? What happened to that sense of adventure, that feeling that I could accomplish anything I really put my heart into?
Ruts can get pretty deep and are miserable places to be stuck in - especially if you're stuck there so long it starts to feel comfortable. And we all know a rut is just a grave with both ends kicked out...
Hey, I'll encourage you if you'll encourage me -- maybe together we can claw our way out of the 'ruts' of old ways of thinking and find the gumption to dare again, to take risks and do what it takes to overcome our own particular challenges. Out with old, limiting thoughts! Make room for new thoughts to leapfrog in, moving us to action!
Hi Spunky.
Thanks for contributing...and such great insight, too.
I love the insight about old belief systems having once been new belief systems...great way to articulate it.
I hear you...feeling "old" because we're not as eager to take risks as we were when we were younger. I suppose it's the natural progression as we age and settle into our careers, relationships, and viewpoints of the world around us.
Still...the wisdom that often accompanies age should make us more philosophically willing to risk, now that we understand exactly what we're risking. Of course, that's probably also the very reason we don't risk as much--we know exactly what we have to lose (and aren't usually thinking about what we have to gain).
At any rate, I'm up for the challenge. Let's encourage each other!
Oh, and would you mind terribly emailing me (see the link on the sidebar of the blog) to let me know who you are (code name Spunky)? Thanks much!
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